Saturday, 28 February 2009

New distributors to work with Trigger

Just like every other business on this little spinning planet we're always on the lookout for new customers. Thanks to the web and digital techno stuff artists are in the fortunate position of being able to communicate, sell and deliver imagery in an instant, any time of day or night to anyone with a computer and a credit card. This is the easy bit of course, the tough part is finding the new clients who want to part with real cash. This usually means investing our money or a great deal of time or both in the pursuit of people who want to use your images in exchange for hard currency. As a small agency with a niche licensing art product we have to search even harder to find those specialist clients who recognise the value of creativity. We're not providing the safe, standard stock image you can find on most sites at knock down prices. We're filling our galleries with new inspiring emotive imagery that will captivate our audience.

Trigger clients include the BBC, The Almanac Gallery, Random House Publishing in England, Germany and Spain, Transworld, Orion and Little Brown Publishing in UK, L'Espresso Editoriale in Italy, Espasa Calpe and Editoriale Planeta in Spain, jewellery designers in Paris, interior designers in Sweden, Harlequin Publishers in Australia and JWT advertising in Dubai. Our reach is broadening and we're becoming a real resource for art buyers who are looking for something different.

In our first 18 months of business we've been putting out the feelers, dipping our toes in the water and sometimes getting our fingers burnt. We've doubled our library to 9000 images and now we're attracting attention from other much larger image agencies who see the value in our highly selective image content. This is an exciting time and over the coming months we'll be working closely with image agencies ic.worldwide in USA and Polfoto in Scandinavia to broaden our reach to new clients by utilising their extensive marketing power. We've spent the past few months working day and night preparing all our contributors images. Now we're ready!

To benefit from this new marketing opportunity all our photographers need to update their FREE subscription at: . You don't have to do anything else, we have done all the work for you and it's totally free. This will ensure more clients see your stock imagery and ultimately your folio.


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